14 Nov Have your say on future of former school site
Gloucestershire County Council wants to hear views on future of Winchcombe Old Boys School
The building in Gretton Road has been empty for some time but the county council is now looking to shape proposals for its future. All options are under consideration, including bringing it back into use or disposing of the site.
To start the process, interested parties were invited to a drop-in event at the Old Boys School, where staff from the county council were on hand to answer questions.
Information about the property was also on display at the event, including its relationship with other buildings on the wider site such as the sports centre.
The event will be used to engage with anyone who has an interest in the site, to help inform future decisions.
A webpage providing further information is now available.
Gemma Madle, a Tewkesbury Borough councillor for Winchcombe, was a qualified youth worker in the town for more than a decade.
She said:
“Winchcombe’s young people needed a permanent space.
Those of us in Winchcombe who have long been advocating to GCC for the need for permanent space for young people to meet in are excited about the potential this offers for our area.
With the support of our town council, we hope to help GCC realise the potential of this important community asset by breathing life back into the building and reopening it for local youth work, providing a dedicated space for young people that has been lacking since the building’s closure.”
The county council has declared the site surplus to its own service requirements. No decisions on the future of the building have yet been made and there are no plans at any stage of development.”
Councillor Lynden Stowe, cabinet member for finance and property, said:
“We want to hear the views of the community on the future use of Winchcombe Old Boys School. It has been empty for some time and is surplus to our requirements, so we would like residents and other interested parties to share your thoughts on its future. All options are up for consideration so I would encourage anyone with an interest in the site to attend the drop-in event, where you can find out more and contribute ideas.”
Councillor David Gray, local county councillor for Winchcombe, said:
“The Old Boys School occupies a prominent site in Winchcombe, but has been out of use for a number of years. The building is complicated and in poor condition; anyone taking it on will need to resolve a number of logistical and commercial questions, including how to share access and facilities with the popular sports centre to the rear of the site. Hopefully interested members of the public can come along to our engagement event to learn more about the site and help us to identify practical ideas for the future of this building.”